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Ramaz AbesadzeNana Bibilashvili
Global Economic Safety


The national economic safety is largely depended to the processes on  global scale, and mainly on global economic safety. The global economic safety means that its provision is expected from economic as well as external dangers. The issues of economic and non-economic characters are kept in mind in this discussion of economic safety problems.

 The economic safety is a constant issue that should be provided by the national governments and international organizations. On the modern stage global non-economic dangers are:

World War III, the defense of peace, disarming and gun control, problematic issues of developing states, demographic problems, the issue of developing human potential, problems of world oceans, pollution of atmosphere, climate change, problem of up taking space, international terrorism, traffic and trade of drugs, ethno- political conflicts, protection of human rights and freedom, keeping of cultural diversity, uptake of Antarctica and Arctic, cyber safety and so on. The issues of economic characterare:  the economic crisis, energy issues, poverty problems, enlargement of foods and its safety and  problem of  limitation of the non-reusable resources.

1) Nowadays in the globe, we have collected so many weapons of mass destruction that utilizing them simultaneously can wipe out all of humanity.

2) Issues of developing countries. That’s the problem of relationship between developed and developing states. The living circumstances  are too  different  in these states therefore the forced migration of workers from developing to developed states, non-payment of foreign debts, and the danger of spreading infections across the world.

3) A large group of scientists and politicians think that the world population is getting to a critical level and hampering it is essential issue.

4) In modern world there still are the states that have a very low level of educational system, which limits the advancement of global economy.

5) The pollution of world oceans significantly increases by energetic, chemical and/or military products. That’s very dangerous, since it can cause the decrease in the amount of water and food products that cause the violation of oxygen levels in atmosphere.

6) The amount of pollution shot in the atmosphere increases that is spread across the world and gets a global character. The acid rains cause havoc to the trees, the pollution and distortion of natural landscapes is also a global concern that causes the widening of ozone layer.

7) Climate change can cause negative global events like: the decrease in humidity of landscapes, the moving of climate and botanic zones, the melting of ice structures and icebergs, the increase of world ocean level, the distortion in circulation of ocean waters and of the whole hydrological cycle.

8) The global dangers of economic development are: international terrorism, drug traffic and trade, ethno-political conflicts, the protection of human rights and freedom, the keeping of cultural diversity, cyber safety and etc.

9) To eschew economic crisis the governments should not only play the role of the regulator of economic operations, but also evaluate possible dangers and have to obviate regressive processes within the economy and/or must functioning as an “economic driver”.

10) Alternative resources have to be found for economic safety and fortunately the world has a great success in this realm.

11) The poverty issue represents not only a national but also a huge global problem, because of the large scale poverty that occurs mostly in developing states. That issue causes a great problem for sustainable development.

12) The food safety. This is one of the oldest problematic issues of humankind. The worst result of it is starvation.The modern achievements of science cause the growth of production and fertile lands, the utilization of biological resources of oceans and creation of more productive and fertile animal spices.

13) The energetic safety. It’s linked with the provision of humans with fuel and energy. This became a concern in 70’s of last century, when the first oil crisis  had begun.